Create Lasting Change On Your Timeline


This program is designed for those who prefer to go through the course at their own pace, without the group program or coaching components. It offers the same transformative content, allowing you to integrate the learnings into your life on your schedule.

6 month program designed to guide you to bridging the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Having big goals and dreams can feel like a double edged sword:

It is motivating and empowering, yet it is also overwhelming and terrifying, creating an internal battle between the part of you that wants to grow and the part of you that wants to stay safe.



You are incredibly resilient, determined and self-aware. You know there is untapped potential within you. Potential for more joy, more success, more love, more purpose, more peace.


AND you know you're stuck in patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving that are holding you back. 


  • The Exhausted Overachiever: You're constantly striving to achieve more, but no matter how much you do, it never feels like enough. Life feels like a never-ending cycle of hustling, burning out and then feeling shame for not doing more. You know you're on a hamster wheel but don't know how to get off. 


  • The Personal-Growth Chaser: You've done everything "right" - read all the self-help books, listened to all the podcasts, and crafted the perfect morning routine - but you're still not seeing the transformative results everyone raves about. You know there's a missing link but you just can't find it. 


  • The Stuck Perfectionist: You've always prided yourself on your work ethic and high standards, but you're starting to realize that your perfectionism isn't actually propelling you forward, it's been holding you back from pursuing your dreams and enjoying you life.


  • The Reformed Hustler: You've realized that hustle culture isn't sustainable or fulfilling, and you've been doing the healing and personal growth work. Now, you're ready to start pursuing your goals again, but you're not sure how to do that without falling into old, toxic patterns of hustling and overachieving.


  • The Self-Critical Striver: You hold yourself to impossibly high standards and are your own harshest critic. You used to think this was just a form of self-discipline, but you're starting to see that it's actually hindering your progress and happiness. You know you need to be kinder to yourself but no clue how.


  • The Frustrated Dreamer: You have big goals and dreams, but something always seems to get in the way of your progress. It feels like every time you try to take a step forward, you shut down and instead take two steps back. It feels like self-sabotage and you don't know how to stop it.

The problem is not you.


It's your nervous system.


You are not broken.


These patterns are brilliant survival mechanisms that your nervous system developed to keep you safe. And they have served you well.


Until now. The moment when you realize that surviving is no longer enough.

Your goal now is to cultivate a state of fulfillment, joy and peace in all areas of life - career, relationship and health.

But the survival mechanisms that got you this far, will not take you to that ultimate goal.

The next level of growth that you desire will require a recalibration of your mind, body and nervous system.




  • A life filled with more peace, fulfillment, and joy
  • Guilt-free time off without the weight of anxiety
  • Motivating yourself from a place of self-love and confidence, not shame or fear
  • Trusting yourself and your decision-making abilities 
  • Staying centered and grounded in the midst of conflict, stress and uncertainty
  • Not having to choose between success and wellbeing
  • Boosting your performance, productivity and creativity
  • Deeper, more meaningful relationships with those around you
  • Adapting to change and uncertainty with ease and confidence
  • Enjoying the process of building a successful life



You'll receive a powerful, sustainable formula for inner growth that translates into outer success – whether you're a high-achiever, a perfectionist, a dreamer, or anyone striving to reach your full potential.



  • Learn effective tools and techniques to regulate your nervous system, manage stress, and enhance your performance
  • Develop a deeper understanding of yourself, your needs, emotions, desires, and dreams –to boost confidence, self-trust and emotional intelligence
  • Master my signature framework, a 3 phase formula for creating last change, through over 30 hours of trainings and a step-by-step workbook
  • Learn how to take consistent, intentional action towards your goals and dreams to turn your vision board into your reality 
  • Embrace a holistic approach to well-being and success that prioritizes your physical, mental, and emotional health through science-backed practices and routines
  • Join a community of like-minded individuals who are deeply committed to growth in all areas of life while also understanding the pressures and struggles of high-achievers


Step-by-step workbook
Bi-weekly trainings and guided practices
Monthly Q&A video
Weekly virtual accountability check-ins
Exclusive virtual community 

The Formula


 Self Study Program Includes:

  • Step-by-step workbook
  • Bi-weekly trainings 
  • Monthly Q&A video of Masha answering your questions
  • Weekly virtual accountability check-ins

  • Exclusive virtual community

  • *BONUS* Goal setting template
  • *BONUS* The 7-Day Routine Reset program for mastering your routines


Now offering flexible payment plans with Afterpay!


Not sure if The Formula is right for you? Schedule a free 30-minute call with Sheila, our dedicated accountability and embodiment coach. During this call, Sheila will help you get clear on your goals and identify what's getting in the way of achieving them, to help you understand if this program is the right fit for you.




 Note: The self-study version of The Formula includes a supportive community. For personalized guidance and regular check-ins, join the live group program where Masha is actively involved. 1:1 sessions with Masha are available for purchase separately.

This testimonial from Sabrina Zohar is based on her experience with the live group program.



"I have been working with Masha for several months and she has been the catalyst for so many good things that have come into my life (though she will tell you that I did it all myself!). I tell my therapist about Masha and she absolutely loves her and has referred to her as an old soul. She is wise beyond her years. She creates a safe, nurturing environment for us. I never feel judged no matter how silly my issues are. 


I am someone who thrives on having a coach or mentor holding me accountable, so getting to talk to Masha every week has been imperative for me to make changes. I also learn a lot from hearing what the other clients are going through and the feedback she gives to them. If I didn’t do this program, it would’ve taken me YEARS to figure out when I was actually in a stress response. She helps you figure out your goals and how to attain them in a way that isn’t detrimental to your health (this was huge for me because I’m someone who used willpower to achieve things). To put it simply, Masha gives you tools that make life simpler to manage, which leaves you feeling super empowered and just plain happier!!


One of my favorite things I learned from her is not to chase after what you want and not to settle - she encourages you to find that balance while you’re striving for a goal. Some things she’s helped me with is perfectionism, stress, balancing work/health/family/friends, and how to lean into my feminine power. I look forward to every session with her because I always learn something new. I cannot wait for her to make a podcast and/or write a book because what she teaches is truly life-changing. She also has a very soothing voice and I always leave sessions calmer than when I entered them."


"Masha has such a way of connecting with people that I’ve yet been able to reach the emotional depth that we did in our first session, even through therapy. She helps me feel supported and empowered to take on greater challenges and redefine what I want out of life."

"Masha has been an integral part of my healing journey. I’ve worked with therapists, taken my own spiritual approaches, I was trying it all. Masha is the person who made a real lasting impact."


"Almost 6 months out and I’ve found my rhythm, my vibe and honestly I’ve never been happier. Learning how my past trauma and relationships have affected my day to day has helped me in ways I couldn’t imagine. I am more regulated, I feel like I can handle more while doing less and I enjoy everyday appreciating where I am currently in my business."

"Masha helped me feel confident that we could reach my goals. Not only did we reach those goals, but our work changed the trajectory of my life and I don't say that lightly."



A Nervous System and Breathwork Coach here to support you in navigating your life and goals, using gradual and sustainable habit shifts, powerful and profound emotional processing and deep, inner healing.


My job is to support, guide and educate you on modalities grounded in psychology, neuroscience and spirituality, with the primary focus of quieting that internal battle between your mind, your body and your nervous system. 


Success is a process.


That’s why I’ve created the The Formula to help you step into your fullest potential as a high-achiever, perfectionist, or anyone striving to step into their full potential.


Ready to step into greater success, peace, and fulfillment?