Align your nervous system for success and lasting change

You’ve listened to the podcasts. You’ve read the books. You’ve followed all the right social media coaches. You’ve tried all the tools and followed all the advice, but you’re stuck. You take two steps forward, three steps back. You keep falling back into the same patterns, feeling stuck, confused, and broken.
But, you are not broken. There is nothing wrong with you. It’s not you. It’s your nervous system. And it hates it when you try to grow.
Your nervous system's job is to keep you safe and help you survive another day. But surviving is no longer enough. If you're struggling to create lasting change, that means your nervous system is working exactly as designed. 
You are living in survival mode but you know you want more. But how do you get more?

The Formula is the missing link between you and your goals. It's the blueprint combining inner work with consistent, aligned actions to create a new reality. It teaches you how to master your mind, body, and nervous system to create lasting change in any area of life.



Who is The Formula for?


I see you. You are incredibly resilient, determined, and self-aware. You know there is untapped potential within you—potential for more joy, success, love, purpose, and peace. And you know you're stuck in patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that are holding you back.


The Formula is designed for growth seekers at any stage of their journey, regardless of whether they are:


The Exhausted Overachiever

You're constantly striving to achieve more, but no matter how much you do, it never feels like enough. Life feels like a never-ending cycle of hustling, burning out and then feeling shame for not doing more. You know you're on a hamster wheel but don't know how to get off. 

The Personal-Growth Chaser

You've done everything "right" - read all the self-help books, listened to all the podcasts, and crafted the perfect morning routine - but you're still not seeing the transformative results everyone raves about. You know there's a missing link but you just can't find it. 

The Stuck Perfectionist

You've always prided yourself on your work ethic and high standards, but you're starting to realize that your perfectionism isn't actually propelling you forward, it's been holding you back from pursuing your dreams and enjoying you life.

The Reformed Hustler

You've realized that hustle culture isn't sustainable or fulfilling, and you've been doing the healing and personal growth work. Now, you're ready to start pursuing your goals again, but you're not sure how to do that without falling into old, toxic patterns of hustling and overachieving.

The Self-Critical Striver

You hold yourself to impossibly high standards and are your own harshest critic. You used to think this was just a form of self-discipline, but you're starting to see that it's actually hindering your progress and happiness. You know you need to be kinder to yourself but no clue how.

The Frustrated Dreamer

You have big goals and dreams, but something always seems to get in the way of your progress. It feels like every time you try to take a step forward, you shut down and instead take two steps back. It feels like self-sabotage and you don't know how to stop it.


Go from struggling to taking action to doing the work (and getting results)


The amount of courses and content available can feel overwhelming. That’s why I designed The Formula. It’s a comprehensive, self-guided course in three step-by-step phases with a 250+ page workbook, guiding you every step of the way. With a new training every two weeks for six months, you can create change and achieve goals on your timeline without feeling rushed.


The Formula bridges the gap between survival mode and limitless potential by teaching you how to master your nervous system, take decisive action, and tailor your approach to your unique goals, needs, and lifestyle.



The Plan


Your Schedule, Your Speed
  • The course has 34 trainings, released once every two weeks for six months
  • Study independently with no requirements to attend live calls
  • Study at your own pace and take action using tools like breathwork, journaling, exercises, and more – without all the pressure to join any groups
Experience True Transformation
After completing The Formula, life will still present challenges. But you’ll see them as opportunities and know how to use your nervous system to navigate and grow from them.



What You Can Expect


The Formula’s three phases are a framework based on years of extensive client experience. The phases incrementally build upon each other to teach you how to take consistent, intentional action toward your goals and dreams. Turn your vision board into a reality with a step-by-step workbook featuring practical tools and techniques to complement 30+ hours of training.
With these trainings and step-by-step workbook, you’ll set a clear goal and work on it, aligning your efforts with achieving it.
The three phases are rooted in the science of how growth actually works. The Formula guides you in working with the patterns and cycles to make meaningful change. 
If you’re a high achiever or deeply committed to growth, The Formula is the key to consistently raising the bar and enjoying the process.

A meaningful and empowered life is possible 

The work of manifesting your dreams is just that – work. Progress comes from taking small, consistent steps out of your comfort zone while managing your nervous system. Neglecting this crucial balance of consistency and caring for your nervous system can lead to anxiety, frustration and burnout. 

You don’t have to live a cycle of battling and shaming yourself. By leveraging your nervous system, you can reach and surpass your goals.



  • A life filled with more peace, fulfillment, and joy

  • Guilt-free time off without the weight of anxiety

  • Motivating yourself from a place of self-love and confidence, not shame or fear

  • Trusting yourself and your decision-making abilities 

  • Staying centered and grounded in the midst of conflict, stress and uncertainty

  • Not having to choose between success and wellbeing

  • Boosting your performance, productivity and creativity

  • Deeper, more meaningful relationships with those around you

  • Adapting to change and uncertainty with ease and confidence

  • Enjoying the process of building a successful life

All of this is possible when you master The Formula.



Step-by-step workbook
Bi-weekly trainings and guided practices
Monthly Q&A video
Weekly virtual accountability check-ins
Exclusive virtual community 

The Formula


 Self Study Program Includes:

  • Step-by-step workbook
  • Bi-weekly trainings 
  • Monthly Q&A video of Masha answering your questions
  • Weekly virtual accountability check-ins
  • Weekly office hours with Sheila
  • Exclusive virtual community
  • *BONUS* Goal setting template
  • *BONUS* The 7-Day Routine Reset program for mastering your routines


Do you need a payment plan? Afterpay is available for U.S. customers. If you're are an international customer and would like a payment plan, then please email us at [email protected]



Not sure if The Formula is right for you? Schedule a free 30-minute call with Sheila, our dedicated accountability and embodiment coach. During this call, Sheila will help you get clear on your goals and identify what's getting in the way of achieving them, to help you understand if this program is the right fit for you.



 "I cannot wait for her to make a podcast and/or write a book because what she teaches is truly life-changing."


"I’ve worked with therapists, taken my own spiritual approaches, I was trying it all. Masha is the person who made a real lasting impact."


"This program was literally the reason I have been able to identify the things that personally work for me to regulate my anxiety."




Note: Sabrina Zohar’s testimonal is based on her live group program experience. You can join the live group here.


It’s time to step out of survival mode and uncover your full potential.


A life filled with peace, fulfillment, and joy isn’t a myth. It can be a reality if you know how to regulate your nervous system.

Your nervous system developed patterns to keep you in survival mode, which served you well when you needed it.

Until now – the moment you realize that surviving is no longer good enough.

The goal is more fulfillment, joy, and peace in all areas of life – career, relationships, and health. While life will always present you with challenges, The Formula equips you to see them as opportunities for healing and use them as stepping stones for growth. This arms you with a level of self-trust that makes you unstoppable.


Hi, I'm Masha.

I’m a Nervous System and Breathwork Coach here to support you in navigating your life and goals, using gradual and sustainable habit shifts, powerful and profound emotional processing, and deep, inner healing. But, like you, it wasn’t always this way for me.

At one point in my life, I couldn't see how to get from where I was to where I wanted to be. The more I tried to "fix" myself, the more stuck and broken I felt. The patterns, behaviors, and habits I was struggling with and battling were protective mechanisms that were working hard to keep me safe. Realizing this changed everything because it showed me the problem isn’t me – a lack of willpower, driving, potential, etc. – I didn't need to fix anything. I needed to befriend this powerful force inside me. 

I wasn’t struggling because something was wrong with me. I struggled because the ways of being that got me this far would not get me to the next level. Why? Because living in survival was no longer enough. I was ready for more, and getting there would require facing everything I spent my life unconsciously running from. I was at the cusp of a massive transformation and feeling the discomfort of it but misinterpreting it to be a failure. I was about to quit right as I was about to strike metaphorical gold.

In this course, I use what I’ve learned from my own story and my experience coaching hundreds like you achieve your goals by making your nervous system your ally and much more. Because it’s not about just being calm—it’s about manifesting your dreams and achieving your goals. 

I’ll support, guide, and educate you on achieving your goals with strategies and tools rooted in psychology, neuroscience, and spirituality to quiet the internal battle between your mind, body, and nervous system.



Success is a process.


That’s why I’ve created the The Formula to help you reach your fullest potential as a high-achiever, perfectionist, or anyone striving to level up.


Ready to step into greater success, peace, and fulfillment?